THE 30th Isle of Wight Fell Running Series is returning this weekend (September 7-8.

The two-day long event encompasses three varied races, during which the participants will cover a challenging 24-mile stretch of off-road terrain, surmounting a formidable 4,300 feet uphill.

The region, despite lacking traditional 'fell' features, fulfills the Fell Running Association (FRA) criteria related to distance and ascent.

The races will also be part of the SEAA Fell Running Championships.

Launching the series is the St Boniface Fell Race. Kicking off at 11am on the first day, this race starts from the seafront at Ventnor.

The runners will follow a straight path to the pinnacle of St Boniface and then head back down, covering a total of three miles and 776 feet of upward climb.

Following this, at 3pm, the second race of the Ventnor Horseshoe starts.

This course also starts at the seafront and journeys to the summit of St Boniface. The route then descends to Wroxall before veering towards Cooks Castle and the railway line.

It terminates with a long climb to St Martin's Down, via St Boniface descent, covering eight miles and a 1,600 foot climb.

The finale of the series on Sunday morning is the 13-mile Wroxall Round, starting at 10am, which includes an arduous 2,000 foot ascent. The runners progress from La Falaise Park to Watcombe Bottom and Stenbury Down.

The race concludes with a steep descent to St Boniface, via St Martin's Down, from Freemantle Gate after a stop at the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary and the railway line.