US President Joe Biden has acknowledged frustrations as Democrats strain to rescue a scaled-back version of his 3.5 trillion dollar government-overhaul plan and salvage a related public works bill after frantic negotiations failed to produce a deal.

“Everybody’s frustrated, it’s part of being in government, being frustrated,” Mr Biden told reporters before leaving the White House for a weekend stay at his home in Wilmington, Delaware.

He pledged to “work like hell” to get the two pillars of his domestic agenda passed into law, but refrained from laying out a new deadline.

The president had gone to Capitol Hill on Friday for a private meeting with House Democrats that was partly a morale booster for the disjointed caucus of politicians.

According to politicians in the room, he discussed a 1.9 trillion dollar to two trillion-plus dollar price tag for the larger package that would expand the country’s social safety net.

The White House and its allies in Congress are prepared for protracted negotiations.

Mr Biden said he would soon travel around the country to promote the legislation and he acknowledged concerns that the talk in Washington had become too focused on the trillions in new spending and taxes in the bill.

He pledged to do more to educate the public about the plan’s new and expanded programmes, which he contended have the support of the vast majority of the electorate.

“I’m going to try to sell what I think the American people will buy,” Mr Biden said on Saturday, adding: “I believe that when the American people are aware of what’s in it we’ll get it done.”

The president said he believed the legislation will be signed into law with “plenty of time to change the tax code for people next year”.

President Joe Biden speaks with members of the press
President Joe Biden speaks to members of the press (Patrick Semansky/AP)

It’s a pivotal time for Mr Biden and the party. His approval ratings have dropped and Democrats are restless, eager to deliver on his signature campaign promise of rebuilding the country.

Holdout Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia had dashed hopes for a swift compromise on a framework when he refused to budge late Thursday on his demands for a smaller overall package, about 1.5 trillion dollars.

Without a broader deal, prospects for a vote on the companion public works bill stalled out as progressives refused to commit until senators reached agreement. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told colleagues that “more time is needed” as they shape the broader package.

The House passed a 30-day measure to keep transportation programmes running during the stalemate, essentially setting a new deadline for talks of October 31.

With Republicans solidly opposed to Mr Biden’s sweeping vision, the president and Democrats are reaching for a giant legislative accomplishment on their own — all to be paid for by rewriting federal balance sheets with tax increases on corporations and the wealthy.

The larger of Mr Biden’s proposals is a collection of Democratic priorities with an ultimate price tag he says is zero, because the tax revenue would cover the spending costs.

The White House and Democrats also are focusing on raising the nation’s borrowing limit before the United States risks defaulting on its obligations — a deadline the Treasury Department estimates will be reached no later than October 18.

The House has already acted, but Republican senators have indicated they will not provide votes for bipartisan passage and want Democrats to go it alone.

“I hope that the Republicans won’t be so irresponsible as to refuse to raise the debt limit and to filibuster the debt limit,” Mr Biden said. “That would be totally unconscionable. Never been done before. And so I hope that won’t happen.”