A LANDSLIP at Alum Bay on the Isle of Wight has seen a mixture of clay and soil come down over the beach this week – but it is business as usual for those working at Needles Pleasure Park.

“It’s no concern our end,” said commercial manager, Brandon Neal.  

“It just happens. We’ve been down today (Wednesday) for a beach check.”

Brandon understands the landslip happened over the weekend and it will not affect the chairlift, which is closed for winter maintenance in any case.

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(Image: Ralph Griffin.) He told the County Press it was a natural fall and the clay will wash away “as it always does”.

“It’s some way away from the chairlift,” said Brandon.

“The structure is embedded into the cliff. It’s been there for 51 years and could be there for another 50 years.

(Image: Ralph Griffin.) “Landslips happen and will keep happening. It looks worse than it is, and I will be the first on the chairlift when it’s back up and running.

“The clay and soil haven't affected our coloured sand, and when it dries up, it will get washed away.”