A tech company has made a donation to a movement aiming to preserve land from property development.

ICRTouch donated £500 towards the maintenance of 'Pop's Wood,' a plot of land in Bembridge, East Wight, bought in summer 2023 by movement founders Phillip Sard and Imogen Baden-Powell, the great-niece of Scouts founder Robert Baden-Powell.

Their mission is to transform these lands into community-friendly nature reserves.

Inspired by the success of Pop's Wood, the duo hope to expand their operation to other plots.

They aim to work with youth groups and local schools, raising awareness about the importance of ecosystems and offering opportunities to learn about the environment first-hand.

Phillip said: "The Pop's Wood team are so grateful for the generous support of ICRTouch and we were encouraged to hear of their shared interest in nature. Donations like this enable us to maintain the nature reserves that we have already created and support us with our efforts obtaining further reserves.

"We are pleased that Pop's Wood is providing a sanctuary for all who visit and that we are sharing our love of nature with the community."

The project aligns with ICRTouch's commitment to supporting the local community and enhancing resources for future generations.