Isle of Wight residents have less than a week remaining to join a consultation on surplus places in primary schools.

Launched on October 9, the Isle of Wight Council consultation seeks views on addressing nearly 1,900 empty classroom spaces due to a declining pupil population.

The council is considering the possible closure of six schools and reductions in published admissions numbers at two others.

The authority is also proposing to expand provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities to meet a growing need across the Island.

The consultation ends on Friday, November 1, with the council welcoming alternative proposals.

Councillor Jonathan Bacon said: "I can't emphasise strongly enough how important it is for everyone — whether they are linked to the named schools or not — to join this Island-wide conversation to help shape the future of education on the Isle of Wight.

"This process is part of our wider draft Education Strategy which is about raising educational standards on the Island. We are at the bottom of the national tables for educational standards, we have to do something."

The consultation can be accessed online via the council website, with paper copies available at County Hall and local libraries.

Comments can also be sent via email to or by post to County Hall, Newport.