Love birdwatching? These two Isle of Wight events may be for you!

Birdwatching is a popular pastime in the UK, and the Island has many beautiful places to see and photograph our avian friends.

This year's Great Coastal Birdwatch began on Saturday and will run until Sunday November 3.

Anyone can take part at any time during the event, with participants simply telling organisers Bird Aware Solent how many birds they saw in up to an hour.

A female kestrelA female kestrel (Image: Eric Atkinson)

Birdwatchers can log the birds they have seen via a special website.

Last year, more than 100 species were spotted, including ospreys, dunlins and lapwings.

Ranger Eloise said: "The autumn migration of coastal birds to the Solent shoreline is an incredible phenomenon to witness and a very important legacy to protect.

"By telling people about the birds’ awe-inspiring journeys, we hope they’ll give birds the space they need to feed and rest without being disturbed."

Next year, the world's largest garden survey will return with the return of RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch.

The event will take place from January 24 to January 26, with the charity asking Islanders to spend an hour watching and counting birds from a place of their choice and send the results to the RSPB.

The birdwatch began in 1979 with more than 195 million birds counted over 12.1 million hours.

Registration for the event opens on December 11.

RSPB Chief Executive Beccy Speight said: : “Whether you live in a city or the countryside, anyone, anywhere can take part in Big Garden Birdwatch – even if you don’t have a garden!

"All you need is an hour to spend watching the birds in your local green space.

"When we come together for nature, we can do great things.

"Join us for Big Garden Birdwatch 2025 and together let’s take action to help birds and other wildlife thrive for generations to come.”