An uninsured Isle of Wight drug driver was caught during a routine stop on Fairlee Road, wherein police discovered her licence had been revoked several months previously.

Kirsty Gardner, of Hookes Way, Newport, appeared before Isle of Wight magistrates on Tuesday, October 8.

The 33-year-old admitted drug driving, driving without a valid licence, and driving without insurance, in Newport, on April 16.

Prosecutor, Lauren McConnell, said police were conducting routine stops on Fairlee Road and Gardner was among the drivers to be stopped.

They discovered her car insurance had run out and her licence had been revoked by the DVLA several months earlier.

Officers conducted a DrugWipe and Gardner tested positive for cannabis, registering a reading of 4.9 when the specified limit is 2.

There had been no evidence of bad driving.

Barry Keel, defending, said Gardner was a former prison officer who had been driving to get shopping on the day she was caught.

He said her licence had been revoked over her issues surrounding cannabis, a substance she used to help her sleep, and for a chronic back condition.  

Mr Keel said Gardner was diagnosed with ADHD and had four young children to raise on her own.

Gardner was fined £140 and disqualified from driving for 12 months, with costs of £80 and a £56 surcharge.