East Cowes residents have been invited to help shape the town's finances, including community project funding and a possible precept increase.

A spokesperson for East Cowes Town Council said a public consultation starting on October 12 will gather residents' views, ideas and input, which next year's (2025/26) spending priorities will be based on.

The town council has been preparing a "draft questionnaire" for the East Cowes community with "open-ended questions" relating to topics such as the town's Esplanade Play Park and Paddling Pool.

This Saturday at East Cowes's community market in the Town Hall, councillors will be on hand to answer any questions and encourage the public to take part in the consultation.

Residents can share their preferences either between 10am and 2pm at the community market or online via a survey which can be found at https://forms.office.com/e/9CfR60GEdA?origin=IprLink.

Cameron Palin, East Cowes deputy mayor and councillor for Osborne, said: "Every year, before we set the budget, we do a town consultation so we can gauge what the community's priorities are.

"Last year, people highlighted the fact they wanted investment into the skate park.

"A couple of years ago, people said to us they wanted to look at having more shops and stalls and markets in the town - so we set up the community market.

"We asked people if they'd be interested in a community cinema - so we had the feedback from that.

"I know a lot of councils don't do it but I think its quite a proactive and positive way to move forwards."

Palin, who is also the Isle of Wight Green Party's co-chair, added that it allowed the town council to find out what it is doing well and what could be improved.

Possible issues that may end up forming part of next year's budget include enlarging the community orchard and introducing a community allotment next to York Avenue recreation ground in partnership with St George's School.

The consultation closes on October 25.