Phil Marsh, Bonchurch:

I continue to be entertained by our former MP Bob Seely’s continuing delusion that he brought any attention, or meaningful results, to the cross-Solent ferry debate.

In his letter (IWCP 27-09-24), he clearly writes that he brought these issues, in various guises, to HIS government 25 times (listing the dates), while as MP, plus additionally in other ways, such as discussions he claims he had.

The fact that nothing happened, leads me to suggest he was either very ineffective, had no effective influence, or HIS government was very ineffective.

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I’d be grateful to understand which one of these he thinks it was. Either way, the clue is in his title, ‘former MP.’ 

He and his colleagues were unceremoniously booted out of office — and now it's not his fault, from what I’m reading in his letters to the County Press and on his X (Twitter) feed.

Read more:

He ended his latest County Press letter to Richard Quigley MP, ‘I wish him luck’.

I wish the former MP luck in realising why he and his government were booted out, and perhaps reality will kick in soon on his part — but I seriously doubt it.