Grassroots campaigners on the Isle of Wight, at the centre of the campaign against ExxonMobil's pipeline, have reacted to the firm's "unbelievable" decision to drop its plans.

Key figures who have mobilised opinion and support against the proposals over the last two months include Little Atherfield resident Christopher Davis, who started a petition gathering over 30,000 signatures, Green Party Isle of Wight East general election candidate Vix Lowthion who helped organise a well-attended public meeting and Paul Larner, a steering group member of the cross-party campaign group, IOW CO2 Pipeline - Call to Action.

Christopher said: "Victory!!! Today ExxonMobil have scrapped the plans for this horrendous pipeline. Thank you! Everyone who signed this petition made a difference! Pat yourself on the back! Break out the champagne! You are all heroes!"

Paul said: "Exxon Mobil have confirmed that they are scrapping the proposed CO2 pipeline across the Isle of Wight and New Forest.

"I personally wish to thank our team of researchers, consultants and experts for their time, effort and expertise.

"Our work combined with the efforts of the members and councillors of the Steering Committee, plus every resident of this Island that made the effort and took the time to sign petitions and register their objections, helped to secure this victory.

"Every resident and business on this Island owe a debt of gratitude to you all.

"This Island's beauty and future has been secured, and everyone involved should be proud.

"I am sure that Exxon Mobil will publish a number of justifications for their U-turn, however, we know that they totally underestimated the resilience and determination of the population of this/our Island.

"Again, I personally wish to thank you all."

Vix said: "Unbelievable news that the pipeline won't go ahead. I fully believe that they must have received thousands and thousands of contributions in the public consultation.

"Exxon had underestimated the time, expense and reputational cost of this pipeline.

"Good riddance! Now we need to work for clean, renewable energy and protections and enhancements for our wildlife habitats."

ExxonMobil blamed a "continued lack of government policy certainty and timelines" for its decision to scrap plans.

A spokesperson said: “Over the past three years, we have made sustained efforts with UK government to secure this certainty and enable the large-scale investment required and will maintain collaboration to address the necessary factors.”