An Isle of Wight shoplifter who had no choice but to “steal to eat” after her benefits stopped has been handed a hefty fine and must pay compensation to Co-op.

Donna Moore, of Fort Street, Sandown, attended the IW Magistrates’ Court on September 20, after previously pleading guilty to theft from a shop.

Lauren McConnell, prosecuting, said the 44-year-old entered the Co-op store on Sandown High Street on March 30 with another male.

Ms McConnell told the court that the pair split up and met back up at the shop’s chilled aisle, where Moore hid a “large quantity” of meat products inside her jacket.

Moore left the shop with the products, valued at a combined price of £69.40, the court heard.

Moore has 16 convictions for 19 offences, six of which are thefts, the most recent being shoplifting on January 11.

Ms McConnell said Moore’s co-defendant stole £9.40 and paid Co-op the same amount in compensation during his sentencing.

Nick Muir, defending, said his client’s support payments stopped after she was admitted to hospital with pneumonia, leaving her no choice but to steal to eat.

At the first hearing, a pre-sentence report was ordered ahead of September 20, which had not been completed.

Mr Muir told the court it had not been completed because Moore was unwell, but she would like to get it done.

A representative of the probation service said Moore has failed to complete a pre-sentence report twice, and a third attempt would be stretching its resources.

“It’s just not a good use of our time,” the representative said, adding that the probation service does not support another adjournment for another attempt to complete the report.

Magistrates decided not to authorise another attempt and instead sentenced Moore, ordering her to pay £60 compensation to Co-op.

Moore must also pay a £200 fine, £85 in costs and an £80 surcharge.