A project to repaint all the railings on Sandown Esplanade was completed last week – thanks to a mammoth effort from Isle of Wight volunteers.

The project, which commenced in July, concluded during a fourth session, with volunteers working under streetlights to finish the task at hand.  

In total, a substantial 300 hours of volunteered time contributed to the project, resulting in 750 metres of Victorian-era railings being restored.

Earliest pictures of the railings date back to approximately 1890 and show them painted black.

But when volunteers removed old, flaking paintwork, they discovered the railings had many colours in the past, from sky blue, to green, and even orange.

Organised by Cllr Paddy Lightfoot, and funded in large part by Sandown Town Council, local businesses also helped out with donations of equipment.

A picture dating back to the 1890s showing the railings.A picture dating back to the 1890s showing the railings. (Image: Contributed.) During the sessions, which saw more than 45 people working on one occasion, seafront cafes supported volunteers with free drinks and ice creams.

Volunteers as young as 12, and some more than 90 years old, contributed.  

“It’s an impressive volunteer effort,” said Cllr Lightfoot.

“The first of hopefully many Bay Place Plan projects aimed at improving the places we live and work in.”

Volunteers at work on Sandown Esplanade.Volunteers at work on Sandown Esplanade. (Image: Contributed.)