SCHEDULED work on the main route between Ventnor and Shanklin — last year devastated by a major landslide at Leeson Road — is on track to be completed before Christmas, according to the Isle of Wight Council.

The Keep Ventnor Moving campaign to keep residents updated and get the roads open in Ventnor, has been expressing concern progress on the Leeson Road works, now in its third week, is progressing too slowly.

But the local authority, in partnership with Island Roads, says works are going according to their schedule, to have them completed in the ten to 12-week timeframe.

Three boreholes are planned, to extract core samples for testing and to help build a picture of the geology in the area.


"The borehole drilling work is going to plan. The contractor is progressing well and the second borehole is now progressing," said a council spokesperson.

"The contractor is still working to the original timescales for the completion of this work."

With the area being unstable, it is hoped, from these works, an early warning system for geological movements will eventually be introduced.

Isle of Wight Council leader, Cllr Phil Jordan, who is also the Cabinet Member for Highways PFI, Transport and Infrastructure, had said he hoped the works would be completed within a five to six week period.

Members of Keep Ventnor Moving had the same hopes.

The group is also concerned about the state of The Graben, a notorious stretch of road between Upper and Lower Ventnor, which is prone to movement and cracks on the road surface.

A spokesperson for the group said: "The Graben is under strain from increased traffic, including 80 buses daily. We fear its collapse is imminent."

However, the council moved to allay concerns to residents, visitors and businesses, by saying the road, which joins Newport Road, is planned to remain open.

"There are no plans to close The Graben during this period — unless significant movement dictates this is necessary,” the authority said.