An Isle of Wight photographer has been recognised with two university awards.

Holli Kalina, from Cowes, graduated from Solent University in July with a first class honours degree in Photography.

She achieved two additional prizes at the ceremony, the Rosy Maguire Memorial Award and the Head of Department Graduate Prize.

Holli, 55, runs a photography business on the Island.

Holli achieved a first class honours degree from Solent UniversityHolli achieved a first class honours degree from Solent University (Image: Contributed)

She said: "As a mature student starting my studies in my mid 50s, I never dreamt that I could achieve so much in four years.

"But over the duration of the course I managed to achieve A grades for every assignment, which is something that I have been told is a rare achievement."

Holli said that her studies have changed how she is as a photographer, and that she intends to return to Solent University to study for a Masters degree in Visual Communication.