A set of metal tree sculptures have been installed on the Isle of Wight.

The sculptures are part of a growing public art trail around the edges of Browns Golf Course in Sandown.

The Common Space, a not for profit organisation in Sandown that developed the trail, commissioned Island artist Dave Badman to create an entrance to the course.

Dave worked with 200 metres of steel bars to form the entrance, making two sculptures of willow trees that naturally arch.

The new entrance featureThe new entrance feature (Image: Contributed)

The trees are located on the edge of Browns Golf Course, and reached by walking on the wild side of the course.

The feature is the second sculpture for the area developed by The Common Space.

In a statement, Ian Boyd at The Common Space said: "Dave’s fantastic new sculptures are on a former section of the course.

"Over the years, we have maintained a series of small works such as these, along with planting coastal wildflowers and the Iris Gardens, events and even the Story Trails.

"We have a background in commissioning art for public realm across the Island and have also planted a lot of trees Island-wide over the years, so Dave’s rewelded trees feels like a perfect commission!

"When time and funds allow, we’ll add more sculptures along the way.

"It’s great also to be contributing to the Bay Area Action Plan."

The Common Space plan to launch the sculptures later in Autumn, with updates through their social media channels.