The importance of road safety is being highlighted after a pony and its rider were involved in a collision on the Isle of Wight last week – one which left the small horse with serious injuries.

The incident happened on Friday, September 20, just days after event Pass Wide and Slow; a campaign to educate drivers on how to pass horses safely.

The rider’s mother, Lisa Boynton, said the collision took place on Shanklin Road and she was told a speeding car clip the pony’s hind leg.

She suspects the vehicle’s wing mirror sliced into its skin, and the injury was so severe it exposed muscle.

Lisa said the pony must have skidded from the impact, causing her shoe to twist into her hoof and the rider to lose balance and fall off.

“My family are so grateful for Island Vectis vets for helping our pony, as she really was in a state,” said Lisa.

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“It really puts life into perspective when her cut was millimetres away from an artery, which could have led to her death.

“I'd like to highlight the importance of road safety. Not just for riders, but for drivers, too.

“Always take an extra second to look twice at a crossing, wear you hi-vis, or slow down if you can’t see clearly.

“Even if you are wearing hi-vis and in the correct space, you never know what might happen.

“You are never too cool to not wear hi-vis.

“Even if it ruins your outfit, as it could possibly save your life!”

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary has been approached for a statement.