An Isle of Wight drug driver has been disqualified after police picked up the scent of cannabis coming from his work van.

Daniel Carpenter, of Downlands Crescent, Ventnor, attended the Isle of Wight Magistrates’ Court on Friday, September 20, and pleaded guilty to drug driving.

Lauren McConnell, prosecuting, said police pulled over another vehicle for a non-compliant number plate on Main Road, Rookley at 11.20am on March 21.

During the stop, an officer could smell cannabis and believed it was coming from a van, which police caught up with and stopped further down the road.

Ms McConnell said Carpenter was behind the wheel and had a passenger.

He tested positive for cannabis following a roadside DrugWipe test, and a further blood test at Newport Police Station revealed the 38-year-old was over four times the legal limit.

Oscar Vincent, defending, said his client was last before the court 13 years ago and has not consumed alcohol in 14 years.

Mr Vincent told the court Carpenter, who is a self-employed builder, does admit to some use of cannabis for pain following a “severe sporting injury” when he was 15 years old, which has got progressively more painful.

Magistrates handed Carpenter a 12-month driving disqualification and fined him £120.

Carpenter must also pay costs of £85 and a surcharge of £48.