An Isle of Wight repeat drug driver has been banned from the roads for three years after being caught almost eight times over the legal limit.

Chad Cooper, of Bellevue Road, Cowes, attended the Isle of Wight Magistrates’ Court on Friday, September 20, and pleaded guilty to drug driving.

Lauren McConnell, prosecuting, said the 24-year-old was stopped by police driving an Audi S3 on Brading High Street at 12.20pm on June 9.

Cooper told police he had used cocaine around a week prior, and a roadside DrugWipe test came back positive.

A further blood test found that Cooper was almost eight times over the legal BZE (a derivative of cocaine) limit.

The court heard that Cooper was prosecuted in 2019 for motoring offences, including careless driving and failing to provide details, and again in 2020 for drug driving – which saw him banned for 12 months.

Oscar Vincent, defending, said the police stop was “routine” and there was no suggestion of bad driving.

Mr Vincent said Cooper was fully cooperative with officers and told police about his drug consumption.

Magistrates banned Cooper from driving for three years, handing him a £120 fine.

Cooper must also pay costs of £85 and a surcharge of £48.