Two Isle of Wight pharmacies turned their lights off today (Thursday, September 19) to raise awareness about the severe financial pressures they face.

Regent Pharmacy’s two branches in East Cowes and Shanklin operated with their lights off to symbolise the ‘dark times’ faced by the industry.

This action coincided with other pharmacies across the UK and came just days before the Labour Party Conference, which starts on Sunday.

Gary Warner, owner of the two pharmacies, has been vocal about the escalating crisis, saying that he has had to rely on life savings to keep his businesses afloat.

Regent Pharmacy in ShanklinRegent Pharmacy in Shanklin (Image: Regent Pharmacy)

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He shared that the cost of running a pharmacy has increased by 40 per cent over the last decade, with inflation driven by factors such as the Covid pandemic, Brexit, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

Yet, while costs have risen dramatically, Gary points out that the NHS has not raised prices for community pharmacies in over six years.

“Although the NHS prescription fee has gone up, none of that money has gone to pharmacies," he said.

Today’s action was designed to send a message to the government and the public that pharmacies like his are at imminent risk of permanent closure without immediate support from the NHS and government.

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Gary’s pharmacies have been at the heart of their communities, serving over 9,000 regular patients.

During the pandemic, they kept their doors open, ensuring Islanders had access to essential medicines.

Now, Gary is asking for the same community support in return.

With over 1,400 pharmacies already forced to close nationwide, including Lloyds Pharmacies on the Island, Gary urges his patients to write to their IW East and West MPs and share how vital local pharmacies are to their lives.

"We’ve tried everything – we’ve been on TV, collected petition signatures, and written to MPs, but so far, no response," he said.

"We need our patients to help raise their voices before it’s too late."