The popular Isle of Wight Solent Swim raised vital funds for the West Wight Sports and Community Centre on Saturday (September 14).

A total of 51 swimmers successfully completed the annual swim, setting off from Hurst Castle at 7.45am.

By 8.10am, they began arriving at Colwell Bay, cheered on by crowds of family, friends and supporters.

The swimmers were escorted by a team of volunteer kayakers and a flotilla of small boats, which created a swim corridor for their safety.

Participants in this year's Solent SwimParticipants in this year's Solent Swim (Image: Pete Johnson)

Freshwater Independent Lifeboat was also on hand, ensuring the well-being of everyone in the water.

John Beavis from Yarmouth, who learned to scuba dive at the West Wight Centre and went on to work as a military driver during the 2012 Olympics, was one of the many participants inspired to support the cause.

Taking part in the swim for the first time, John said: “It was such a fantastic experience and so well organised… thank you for letting me participate.” 

Elizabeth Mitchell after completing the Solent SwimElizabeth Mitchell after completing the Solent Swim (Image: Pete Johnson)

Clare Griffin, centre manager, said: “Thank you to the 34 kayakers, nine boat crews, Freshwater Lifeboat, Captain’s Cabin, Yarmouth Harbour, Needles Pleasure Cruises, IDML and all the volunteer beach crews - we couldn't do it without you.” 

Now in its 12th year, the event has seen over 450 swimmers take part, raising more than £250,000 for the charity.

Jo Mowles and Russell Flint after completing the Solent SwimJo Mowles and Russell Flint after completing the Solent Swim (Image: Pete Johnson)