The Isle of Wight Council leader has emphasised the need for a careful and balanced approach in addressing the ongoing challenged posed by the Isle of Wight ferry crisis.


Speaking ahead of two key motions to be discussed at tonight's full council meeting, Cllr Phil Jordan sought to reassure Islanders that the IW Council is fully engaged with the concerns around ferry reliability, affordability and regulation of the Island’s ferry services.

“We must approach this with care,” the council leader said.

“A balanced approach is essential to ensuring long-term, sustainable improvements that protect our Island's people and economy."

Cllr Jordan highlighted that work is “already well underway” to address these issues, with the council having been in discussions with both Island MPs, ferry operators Red Funnel and Wightlink, and government officials throughout the summer.

He added: “These are not new issues, and we have been actively engaging with stakeholders to secure meaningful progress.”

The two motions, proposed by councillors Michael Lilley and Ed Blake, focus on improving reliability and calling for government regulation, respectively.

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Cllr Jordan stressed that his administration is taking decisive steps in these areas, including proposing regulatory oversight, passenger compensation for cancellations and potential price caps for essential journeys.

While acknowledging the frustrations of Islanders, Cllr Jordan cautioned against hasty actions that could have “unintended consequences.”

“I believe that too much heavy-handed pressure, without careful consideration, could have unintended consequences for our local economy and Island residents,” he said.

Cllr Jordan reaffirmed that cross-Solent ferry services remain a “top priority for his administration,” and the council will continue to work collaboratively to secure improvements for the Island.