A PERSONAL trainer is celebrating 30 years of running a dance aerobics class on the Isle of Wight.

Ellen Robinson, who runs a business called Fun Fitness, has marked three decades of her dance aerobics class at Lake.

The class, which has been running every Monday since 1994, celebrated the milestone over the summer.

The three original members of the class — Avril Holland, Heather Whitchurch and Angela Burton — are still participating to this day.

(Image: Ellen Robinson) (Image: Ellen Robinson) (Image: Ellen Robinson) Ellen expressed her gratitude towards the trio, by saying: "They have been loyal friends down through the years — a massive help and support — and I don't think my vision for this would have become reality without them."

The class celebrated its 30th birthday with a special party, which included a photo memory board showcasing their journey.

Ellen and her original class members reflected on how quickly the years had passed, but expressed their joy at continuing to live out the Fun Fitness motto of 'Keep Moving!'

Fun Fitness provides a variety of fitness services to the community.

In addition to her dance aerobics class, Ellen also runs fitness classes, chair circuits and works with clients in her fitness studio.