Paddy McHugh, events organiser:

I feel I need to write to explain to people that how important it is to value each and every one that are in front or behind the scenes of events.

It is a personal thanks.

When it comes to doing events there is always someone that I say steers the ship and takes responsibility for things.

However there are always people that you don’t see that work just as hard and are an important part of the teams.

Many of you know that I do Newport Carnival, which is linked to Riverfest, then on top of this I do the Classic Motor Show.

These events happen because there are other people that are part of the team.

This is more of a thanks to the guys that didn’t really get thanks for last week's car show. Shane Thornton, Harry Finnis, David McLoughlin and Ben Holbrook.

These guys also spent many hours in the background and set up.

So from myself please can I say thank you to you all for all you have done to be part of the event.