An Isle of Wight woman has been fined after allowing a banned man to enter her property twice - in breach of a community protection notice.

Joann Poll, of Albert Street, Ventnor, attended the Isle of Wight Magistrates’ Court on Friday, September 13, and pleaded guilty to failing to comply with a community protection notice.

Lauren Stone, prosecuting, said a notice was issued following reports of anti-social behaviour, namely drug use, disruption and the stabbing of a female with links to drug supply, inside the block of flats.

Although the 45-year-old is not understood to have been involved, the notice applies to her and other neighbours who live at the building, the court heard.

One of the conditions was not to associate with several individuals or allow them on to the premises.

A staff member at Southern Housing said they watched CCTV footage showing a man entering Poll’s property twice, on June 17 and 19, with the man included in the list of banned names on the notice. 

Oscar Vincent, defending, told the court Poll has autism and high anxiety, and “people take advantage of her good nature.”

Friends often attend Poll’s address to ensure she is OK, with the man being one of these friends, Mr Vincent added, describing the visit as a “welfare check.”

Magistrates ordered Poll to pay £85 in costs, a £40 fine and a £16 surcharge.