A bonfire is due to take place tonight (September 10) at a popular Island pub.

The Woodmans Arms in Wootton is due to have its second annual burn this evening, from around 7pm until 12am.

The pub has let Hampshire Fire know about the fire, where all the bushes, hedges and wood the business has accumulated will be burnt.

Staff at the pub have said that they will be mindful of wind for health and safety, as well as checking the unlit fire for live animals such as hedgehogs.

Guests will be able to watch the bonfire, but will be permitted only to watch from the gate.

The Woodmans Arms' beer gardens was recently featured in the top seven beer gardens on the Island.

In a statement, The Woodman's Arms said: "If services weren't too expensive, and hospitality wasn't on its knees (circa 20-30 years ago), we would happily paid to have it taken away, but it's just something we can't afford right now.

"So instead, we make a night of it, get a tan from the fire and are treated to a homemade Polish dish called "pieczonki", which roughly translates into "cauldron" from our very own Weronika!

"We couldn't be more excited."