An Island childcare centre has achieved an Ofsted rating of good.

Little Acres Childcare Centre received the rating after new owners took ownership of the business at the end of 2021.

The report, published on the Ofsted website, is available to read here.

The report highlighted that staff have "very high expectations of children's behaviour", and that the children have "exceptional levels of care and respect for their friends and the setting's pets."

It also highlighted the use of visits, and education around hygiene as positive aspects of the centre.

Assessing what Little Acres could do to improve, the report recommended it should "strengthen teaching further to ensure that all staff understand the curriculum intent", with leaders recognising that some staff require further support to strengthen their teaching skills.

A spokesperson for Little Acres Childcare Centre said: "We are absolutely over the moon with this outcome, and incredibly proud of all of our staff who work tirelessly everyday to achieve the best possible outcomes for our children and their families.

"We are extremely grateful for all the amazing comments and feedback given to the inspector on the day from our families and appreciate the ongoing support from our families and the wider community."