Bembridge Horticultural Society held its annual open show last Saturday (August 24).

Isle of Wight East MP Joe Robertson drew the raffle and gave out prizes in the 103rd edition of the open show in the village hall, going ahead despite the aftermath of Storm Lilian.

There were 172 entries from 22 entrants, with the wide consensus being that standards were maintained despite a less productive year. 

James Kingswell took home the Thorneycroft Cup, the Woodroffe Cup, the Banksian Medal and the Joan Crabtree Cup for Best in Show. 

Bembridge Horticultural Society with Isle of Wight East MP Joe RobertsonBembridge Horticultural Society with Isle of Wight East MP Joe Robertson (Image: Bembridge Horticultural Society)

James also tied with Andrew Nightingale for the Rev H.M. Humphrey Cup, and Sue Budd for the Saville Cup.

Meanwhile, Andrew won the Peel Cup and the Diamond Jubilee Trophy, and Sue won the W. Frampton Cup.

Vivienne Langford took home the Winter Memorial Cup and the G.F. Chappell Vase, and was awarded a certificate of merit, with the Jubilee Trophy going to Eve Dyer and the Mabel Langston Trophy to Andria Richards.

Ian Stock won both the W. Wiltshire Cup and the W. J. Burden Cup, while the Millenium Bowl was shared between Susan Oldham and Matilda Palmer.

Susan also won the Lady de Robeck Cup, and was awarded a certificate of merit.

Finally, the Bembridge Cup for Cookery was won by Shirley Cotton and Jan Yeats was awarded with the Bembridge Cup for Preserves.

The show was well attended, with the committee's cakes selling out.