David White, south Wight:

For the first time I am seeing the Isle of Wight Council doing something positive for the local population.

This being in the form of Phil Jordan and the council's proposal to fight Starmer and Rayner's draconian proposals on turning the Island into an urban ghetto.

All too soon we are experiencing what these communistic, dictatorial people think about the British way of life.

We must all support our council to the last in fighting this attempt to destroy a beautiful Island, its countryside, wildlife habitats, and the gentle British way of life we still have.

I applaud Bob Seely for his letters, and hope that the two new MPs follow suit.

Perhaps we could hear their views and the stance they are taking on this? (This could well prove their loyalty to the Island or to the Starmer regime).

Bob has expressed some good points that could prove useful in our fight.

When building any new housing complexes they should be prioritised for local people, and some being affordable. We must not be an overspill or dumping ground for inner cities.

Finally I would like to see petitions, all forms of representations, from various public bodies, many of which represent our countryside etc. 

We perhaps know Starmer will possibly act in his role as a dictator and possibly ignore all representations, but if that happens then we the Island people should take harder measures.