It would be a dream come true for any young guitarist to appear on stage at a major festival with their favourite band.

But it happened for Arlo Edwards, 16, of the Isle of Wight, when he played with The Kooks at Victorious Festival on Sunday, August 25.

Arlo is a talented young musician who plays with The Missing - who have gone down a storm several times at Strings, The Anchor and The Garlic Festival.

He is also the cousin of Luke Pritchard, frontman of The Kooks, who invited him to play Bad Habit with the band at Victorious.

Arlo Edwards on stageArlo Edwards on stage (Image: Edwards family)

Arlo, who has just finished his GCSEs at The Island Free School, told the County Press: "It was such a cool experience and the whole band and team were really supportive.

"I wasn’t expecting such a big crowd but there seemed to be a lot of people there from the Island cheering."

Luke introduced Arlo on stage by saying: "From one generation to another, we'd like to bring on a friend of ours from the Isle of Wight, give it up for Arlo."

Arlo Edwards on stage with The Kooks Arlo Edwards on stage with The Kooks (Image: Edwards family)