A stand-off between a landowner and a community of travellers - who say they have been 'trapped' inside an Isle of Wight car park - is no closer to being resolved, nearly a month on.

Van owners have told the County Press they will not back down over the row, which has seen concrete bollards installed at the entrance to the car park at Bembridge Point.

Last week, Bembridge Harbour Authority (BHA)'s Malcolm Thorpe - the company which claims to own the land - issued an ultimatum, saying the travellers could leave for free if they do so on Monday, August 19.

He said he went there on Friday, August 16 to move the bollards and only one vehicle left and the other 11 stayed.

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He said it was an "afternoon of wasted time" and he was given a myriad of excuses.

However, two travellers at the site said some have genuine reasons for not leaving, including there being nowhere else for them to go.

They said if the pillars were not there in the first place, they could have come and gone as they pleased - as they have done, with "no problems", for many years.

They also said some of the vans are not working and being blocked in means they can't get anyone in to help repair them.

Once again, they refuted claims that they were "mistreating" land, saying the area is clean.

They also said they continuously support the nearby shops, cafe and pub.

As previously reported, in April, BHA sent a letter asking the community to vacate half of the car park, which is designated as having village green status.

Obliging, they parked in the other half, and bollards were laid out to separate the two sides.

But, within a few days, some of the bollards had been "unlawfully" moved - something the travellers deny doing.

On Monday, July 22, they were given letters stating the whole car park is being blocked off for vehicles.

One of the van owners, Pippa Amos complained there was a lack of notice.

She said she was being allowed to leave for work, before the weekend, but could not speak for the rest of the community.

On the "trapping", Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary previously said it was a civil matter.

Meanwhile, the Isle of Wight Council said as the land is private, it does not have jurisdiction.