A MAN who stole cheese and beer — telling police officers he did it because he was addicted to alcohol — was warned his accommodation and support would be taken away if he offended again. 

Matthew Oxley, of Green Street, Ryde, admitted shoplifting on July 8, when he appeared at the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court.

At around 12.30pm on that day, police on patrol down Union Street were flagged down by shop staff, at Sainsbury's Local.

They told officers Oxley had stolen cheese and beer and was walking up the street, said Liz Miller, prosecuting.

When he was stopped, Oxley told officers: "I took Stella from the store because I have an addiction."

The value of the stolen goods totalled £9.15.

Oxley, 37, has a recent history of shoplifting. He was convicted of four charges of shoplifting and was fined by magistrates in May.

For Oxley, Oscar Vincent said his client's act of theft was impulsive and the goods were recovered.

Oxley had, since the theft, been supported for alcohol dependency issues at Fellowship House — supported accommodation, provided by the Salvation Army.

"Drink has been the root cause of his offending behaviour," Mr Vincent added.

Oxley, who owed £527.70 to the court and who had not paid any of the balance since April, was fined £80 with a £32 surcharge.    

Presiding magistrate, Peter Redding, told Oxley: "If you carry on like this, your support and accommodation will be put at risk of being withdrawn. Don't muck it up!"