THE Isle of Wight Council has extended its congratulations to students across the Isle of Wight who have worked hard to achieve the qualifications that will take them onto the next step in their education.

Cllr Jonathan Bacon, the cabinet member for Children’s Services and Education, said: “On behalf of the Isle of Wight Council, I would like to send my congratulations to all those post-16 students, for their continuous hard work during their school journey so far. 

"A huge thank you is also extended to the many teachers and tutors across colleges, sixth forms and other training providers.

In next week's edition of the County Press (Friday, August 23), we will feature an eight-page pull-out of A Level Day photos. 

"Your work and dedication to helping our young people achieve these qualifications is highly commendable. You have set a new generation on to their career path.’’

Students from across the Island went into their respective schools — many with a degree of nerves and trepidation — to collect their A Level results.

And there were many success stories told, with many students celebrating securing their university of choice to take degree subjects, which ranged from journalism and sports coaching to veterinary medicine and marine engineering.

The Island's headteachers and principals were delighted with their school and college results.

Ryde Academy vice-principal, Will Doyle, said of his achievers: "Their resilience and perseverance are reflected in fantastic results, which will open doors to exciting opportunities for their futures."

Cowes Enterprise College principal, Rachel Kitley, said: “Our Year 13 students should be incredibly proud of themselves. We are so excited to see what they achieve next."

Also, headteacher, Andrew Montrose, of Christ the King College, said: "These young people are a credit to us all. They will go on to do wonderful things."

Island VI Form headteacher, Dave Mumford, was "immensely proud" of his students' achievements this year.

He said: "These students are talented, exceptional and inspiring young people and their hard work has really paid off.

"It is a privilege to have been a part of their educational journey, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for them."

Ryde School with Upper Chine headteacher, Will Turner, was delighted with this year's A Level and International Baccalaureate results, which offer A level equivalent grades.

Will said: "The wide range of university destinations among this year group reflects the diverse interests of our pupils, and how the school nurtures each individual and their ambitions."