AN ISLE of Wight drug dealer who flouted the terms of his court order, completed a single rehabilitation day in two years, and failed to attend numerous probation appointments, has been jailed.

George Williams, of St John's Wood Road, Ryde, appeared before a judge at the Isle of Wight Crown Court on Wednesday, August 14.

The 25-year-old admitted failing to comply with the requirements of a suspended sentence order imposed on September 6 of last year.

The court heard Williams failed to attend probation appointments on May 29 and June 5, and of his 21 scheduled appointments, he had attended just seven, with ten unacceptable absences.

Williams was made subject of an 18-month community order on July 27, 2022, after admitting possession of cannabis with intent to supply and being concerned in the supply of cannabis, between February 25 and March 10, 2021.

He went on to breach that order, and on September 6 of last year, he was handed a 26-week prison term, suspended for 18 months, to include 25 rehabilitation days.

When he breached this new order for the first time, he was handed a further ten rehabilitation days.

Addressing Williams’ latest breach, Jim Osborne, defending, argued it would be unjust to activate his suspended sentence.

He said at the time of the breaches Williams had been living an itinerant lifestyle, was homeless, estranged from his mother and suffering with mental health issues.

Mr Osborne said Williams – a landscaper – was now living at home as the sole carer for his mother.

The court heard, of his 35 rehabilitation days, Williams had completed just one.

Recorder Jodie Mittell told Williams his behaviour did not demonstrate a willingness to comply with the order and she activated his suspended sentence, albeit with a discount for the appointments he did attend.

 “You’ve come to the end of the line I’m afraid,” said Recorder Mittell.

“Your chances have run out.”

For his poor engagement with probation, Williams was jailed for 20 weeks.