A community of travellers who say they have been "unfairly trapped" in an Isle of Wight car park have been given an ultimatum by the landowner.

As previously reported, concrete bollards surround the entrance to the car park at Bembridge Point, which Bembridge Harbour Authority (BHA) claims to own.

It has led to an ongoing row between Malcolm Thorpe, of BHA, and van owners who are staying there and have done, on and off, for years.

Malcolm said they cannot leave without paying an undisclosed fee and claimed it was a consequence of them not following rules and "mistreating" adjoining land.

Read more: Row after travellers "trapped" inside car park

This was strongly refuted by the travellers, who said they have never once been a problem and argued not enough notice was given to evict them.

More than three weeks on, Malcolm said he is prepared to agree to move some of the bollards on Monday, August 19, for all vehicles to leave on that day – free of charge.

He said he is yet to hear back from them.

(Image: IWCP)

Pippa Amos, one of the van owners, told the County Press Malcolm has not been to the site to speak to travellers, only texting her.

She said she is being allowed to leave before the weekend for work on the mainland. However, she said she cannot speak for the rest of the community and "at the end of the day, it is their choice".

"I wish I didn't have to leave. If I didn't have that opportunity, I would stay", she said.

"One door closes and another opens".

The community questioned whether the bollards would be permanently removed even if they left and whether the car park would once again be reopened to the public.

When asked, Malcolm told the County Press: "One step at a time".

On the "trapping", Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary previously said it was a civil matter.

Meanwhile, the Isle of Wight Council said as the land is private, it does not have jurisdiction.