Jennifer Coombs, Newport:

I have just returned from a trip to Boots in the High Street, Newport. I had several items with a value of about £50. 

Some were age restricted, so that would need to be checked, while a couple had security tags, which needed to be removed. 

I waited at the tills, while a member of staff served a lady. When I went forward, I was asked if I was paying by cash or card. 

I replied card and was told I had to use the self checkout, and she would not serve me at the till. 

To say I was shocked was an understatement. As a customer, it is surely my choice?

I said I didn't want to use the self service, and was told again, she wouldn't serve me. I placed the items on the till area and walked out. 

I heard her say to a colleague that's another one who won't use the self service till. That should tell them something!

I won't be shopping there anymore and the points on my loyalty card, over £100 will be spent online as I'm not going to lose them. 

I've shopped in Boots all my adult life, so well over 40 years, but now I'll go elsewhere. 

They will lose a lot of customers!