Martin Cook, St Helens: 

My wife and I have owned a property on the Wight for approaching 30 years.

We are also based in London, but since retiring four years ago we split our time roughly 50 per cent in each house.

We contribute to village life, shop locally where possible and frequent all the local bars, cafes and restaurants.

For some years we have rented out our house in high summer to subsidise the annual costs,  bringing many spending tourists to the area.

We have recently stopped this to have more time to enjoy the house ourselves and invite many friends and family down too.

We already pay more in council tax on the Island than our much larger London house.

When the rates double next April we may well look to sell the house and buy a much smaller place near by.

We have a five bedroom house and will probably buy a two bedroom house instead.

Can somebody please tell me how this will help a local person buy an affordable house?