POLICE on the Isle of Wight managed to pull over a woman who drove whilst almost five times the drink-drive limit.

Officers on patrol on the main Cowes Road heading towards Newport came across the drink-driver last night (Saturday, July 27).

"We were on our way back to Newport, having taken a drive around Cowes. As we were approaching the traffic lights at Stag Lane, we were greeted with a car pulling out from Stag Lane when they should’ve been held stationary at a red," said one of the officers.

"We spun round and it was clear the driver didn’t want to stop — despite my car flashing like a Christmas tree — which resulted in the vehicle failing to stop at 27mph.

"After a mile, the driver came to a natural stop and was removed from the vehicle.

"It was clear they were under the influence of alcohol and was arrested for being unfit through drink or drugs."

In custody, at Newport Police Station, the woman provided a drink-drive breath reading of 160 microgrammes. The legal limit is 35.

"Now, we unfortunately see people make questionable choices regularly. I personally have never had someone give a reading that high on the intox machine," the officer added.

The police officer also reinforced the message of "Don't drink and drive" and to find an alternative and safe means of transport home. 

"If you are able to make the decision to go out drinking, you MUST make the decision to find a way home which doesn’t involve putting yourself and others at risk," the officer continued.

"We don’t like going and knocking on doors to let someone know they have lost a loved one because they, or someone else, got behind the wheel when it was not suitable to do so."