On Wednesday evening a team of seven divers from Wight Dolphins Sub-Aqua Club went on a dive to explore the wreck the SS Serrana, a 3,677 ton wreck from the First World War which lies just off the Needles.

I went out on the boat with them, to find out what the group does, and to take some photos for the Isle of Wight County Press.

We boarded the RIB White Dolphin at Yarmouth at 6.20pm and the trip out to the wreck area was exhilarating - there's nothing like the adventure of a boat trip on a perfect summer evening with beautiful views of the Island’s coast.

The mission that evening was for Ezra Grimaldi to take his final practical examination.

To qualify this involved diving to 20 metres and following a series of tests.

He was delighted to pass and now has just two online courses to be fully qualified as a BSAC Ocean Diver. 

Onboard the rib was Chris Marsh, Wight Dolphins’ chair, with other experienced divers Kevin Gibson, Rob Nicholson, Gary Fletcher, Kevin Newell and Sean Harris as well as Ezra, one of the newer recruits.

With Gary Paddock, their diving officer, Garry McGinty, their training officer and Jeanette Dick, their treasurer, the club has taught hundreds of people to dive over the 49 years they have been operating.

Altogether, the club has 40 members and they are keen to recruit new members.

There is the thrill of mastering the stages of learning to dive, the enjoyment of the experience of diving underwater, and the feeling of weightlessness and calm as if they are flying underwater.  

There is also the excitement of finding new wrecks below the ocean - of which there are over 4,000 off the Isle of Wight!

Not to forget the marvellous marine wildlife and all the beauty and novelty this entails.

On this trip they saw crabs, lobsters, cuckoo wrasse and ballan wrasse, large shoals of fish and conger eels. They also took photos of the sea life 20m below.

The social life of the club plays a very important part. As well as their diving trips, they have barbecues, social evenings and award presentation events.  

They are planning a trip to Sardinia next year to celebrate their golden anniversary after 50 years of operating.

The camaraderie and friendship between the group is very evident and anyone over the age of 14 is welcome (Try Dives age 12).

Available through the club are try dives, pool training, theory lessons, inland training, open water training and BSAC Ocean Diver Qualification.

For more information email mail@wightdolphins.com