A SERVING prisoner who posted vile insults and slurs about an ex-girlfriend on Facebook, centred around issues of child access, was handed another jail term. 

Keifer Brenchley admitted breaching a non-molestation order, made by the Isle of Wight Family Court, Newport, on February 21 last year.

The 27-year-old, convicted at the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court on March 19, reappeared at the same venue, by video link from HMP Lewes, for sentencing on Tuesday (July 16).

Brenchley had, between June 23-25 last year, posted insulting and derogatory comments about an ex-partner, on social media.

A serving prisoner, Brenchley flouted the court order with a number of vile comments, that included branding the victim a 'prostitute' and 'tramp' and, he made an insensitive reference to mental health issues, said Liz Miller, prosecuting.

He was jailed for 44 months on June 6 for "matters unrelated to the complainant".

For Brenchley, Oscar Vincent said his client admitted posting the comments on his own Facebook page, but that they were done out of "frustration and anxiety" at not being able to see their child.

Mr Vincent said: "He has made commendable progress while he has been in prison and, has made contact with the child through official means.

"He wants to be a parent. He wants to play a part in the child's life."

Chair of the magistrates' bench, Peter Redding, admonished Brenchley for "publicly publishing the comments for all to see" and said he clearly crossed the custody threshold.

Brenchley was handed eight weeks' jail, to run concurrently with his existing term of imprisonment, and made subject to a two-year restraining order, with an order to pay a £154 surcharge.