British/Swiss artist Richelle Rich will hold a unique ice cream pop-up event next month at an Isle of Wight bookshop.

The first 50 attendees at the event, held at Babushka Books in Shanklin on August 9, will receive a free soft-serve ice cream cone from Rosie Lee Cafe, located opposite the venue.

In return, Richelle, whose grandad used to own hotels in Sandown, will take a Polaroid portrait and invite participants to share a short memory prompted by the ice cream.

Richelle, who is now based in Los Angeles with her musician husband, Harry Waters, and their two young sons, explores themes of memory, nostalgia and societal shifts in her work.

(Image: Richelle Rich)

Her latest project draws inspiration from her childhood on the Island and the British urban legend connecting former prime minister Margaret Thatcher to the invention of soft-serve ice cream.

Through this participatory performance, Richelle aims to create a collective narrative, inviting visitors to engage with themes of inclusion, exclusion and memory.

Richelle said: “In exchange for this ice cream, I kindly request to capture this moment with you and your soft serve on Polaroid, immortalising it as part of ongoing documentation.

“You may choose to share a significant memory with me or both!”

(Image: Richelle Rich)