A WOMAN who embezzled more than £15,000 from her employers — an Isle of Wight holiday park — learned her fate when she appeared before Island magistrates.

Kathryn Lucas, of Crossway, Bembridge, appeared for sentencing at the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court yesterday (Tuesday, July 16).

At an earlier hearing, Lucas, 27, admitted theft by an employee, between October 1, 2019, and August 1, 2021.

Lucas, who worked for Waverley Park Holiday Centre, East Cowes, was caught transferring money from the company's business account, into her personal bank account, said Liz Miller, prosecuting.

Julian Adams, the owner of Waverley Park Holiday Centre, East Cowes, who disputed much of the mitigation of ex-employee Kathryn Lucas.Julian Adams, the owner of Waverley Park Holiday Centre, East Cowes, who disputed much of the mitigation of ex-employee Kathryn Lucas. (Image: County Press)

She said she stole money to the value of £15,033.84, across 55 separate transactions.

In July 2021, it was brought to the attention of her manager, after it came to light four such transactions were made in one day, which was unusual, the bench was told.

Lucas, with no previous convictions, immediately repaid £381.51, but was dismissed, telling her employers loan sharks were after her grandmother.

When Lucas confessed what she did to her grandfather, he went to the holiday camp and repaid £1,556.38 from his own pocket, leaving Lucas owing £13,085.93.

Police examined her bank accounts, confirming all the illegal transactions Lucas made over a period of almost two years, said Ms Miller.  

"Once it started, it was like a ball rolling down a hill, gathering moss, and she got herself into a pickle," said Bridget O'Hagan, for Lucas.

"The money was not spent on luxuries, but on helping others, which gave her self-esteem.

"It was a relief for her when she confessed to her grandfather, but it will be incredibly difficult for her to get work.

"It was a breach of trust, but it was not a sophisticated theft, as funds went straight into her personal account.

"She will endeavour to repay the money."

Magistrates handed Lucas six months' jail, suspended for 18 months, with an order to pay Waverley Park Holiday Centre £2,000 compensation.

After the case, Waverley Park owner, Julian Adams, said he disputed the evidence and that Lucas had made no attempt to repay any of the stolen money.