The delightful horticultural art of growing in miniature has been celebrated with a competition.

The Isle of Wight Bonsai Society held its club competition recently. 

This year's competition was organised by club chair, Nolan Butt, and was based on four categories of bonsai, based on the height of the tree and pot combined.

The overall champion was society president Ian Elliott, with four wins, who was presented with the Royal Horticultural Society supplied Banksian medal by the chair.

the winning entries in the Chunin class for trees of up to 24 inches tall the winning entries in the Chunin class for trees of up to 24 inches tall (Image: IW Bonsai Society)

The photo shows the winning entries in the Chunin class for trees of up to 24 inches tall. 

Anyone interested in bonsai is welcome to view the group's next exhibition, which will be held at Forest View Nursery, Forest Road, Newport, on July 27 and 28. 

Bonsai is the art of growing dwarf trees and shrubs from seedlings or rooted cuttings.

It requires careful training, pruning and container restriction – the latter giving bonsai its name as it translates as 'tray cultivation'.

The RHS describes this as a 'fun and beautiful way of cultivating plants on a miniature scale'.