Hans Bromwich, Cowes:

Did Labour win the election last week, or had voters simply reached the end of their tether with the Tories?

Perhaps the answer is a bit of both.

Reform UK undoubtedly took a fair slice of the traditional Conservative vote, similar to the Greens and LibDems, with Labour.

We are living in a new and volatile political landscape. Last week saw a huge clear-out of Conservative MPs.

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The electorate are very astute. They know when they are being misled and abused by grubby little politicians who are only in it for themselves.

On the upside, the new government has over 400 new MPs. There must be some genuine talent, within such a large cohort to draw upon.

Urgency necessitated that Sir Keir Starmer formed his Cabinet from those who previously held Shadow Cabinet positions — but they will need to deliver, less they be ousted for someone with more ability.

Change has also effected our Island.

Bob Seely, still in denial, needs to reflect upon how he managed to lose such a huge majority. I can’t see any way back for him. He’ll always be known as 'half a sausage'.

He polled less than his Conservative colleague in East Wight.

It’s a salutary lesson. Our two new MPs will know that their seats are only as safe as their ability to deliver for the Island. 

When all’s said and done, I’m very optimist about the future. Despite the numerous challenges ahead, one senses an energy among everyday people to help turn our country around.

They will engage if they see public services improving, inequalities addressed, environment issues sensitivity embraced, with economic gains not being syphoned away into the pockets of the few super rich.