Isle of Wight ferry firm Red Funnel has revealed its latest plans to redevelop its East Cowes terminal.

Among proposals include building a new Red Jet berth, adjacent to a new terminal building.

Planning documents say, while no changes are currently being proposed to the Cowes Red Jet service, the new berth could be used 'occasionally'.

"For instance, when the Cowes berth undergoes maintenance, to provide resilience to this service, alongside during busy periods such as Island festival events and bank holidays, during which the arrival of passengers to East Cowes is considered to alleviate strain on local transport", the documents say.

Read more: Isle of Wight ferry Red Funnel unveils East Cowes terminal plan

A layout of the plans for East Cowes.A layout of the plans for East Cowes. (Image: Red Funnel)

A hybrid application submitted to the Isle of Wight Council seeks permission to demolish the existing terminal building in Redux Yard.

If plans are approved, a new three-storey terminal building would be constructed to the north of Trinity Yard and would have drop-off spaces and car parking.

There would also be a mixed-use development of 30 residential apartments and businesses.

While vehicles currently embark via lower York Avenue and Ferry Road, proposals would see ferry traffic re-routed via Well Road.

Vehicle marshalling lanes would be moved to Redux Yard and would be accessed from Castle Street.

A map showing how traffic would flow around the town.A map showing how traffic would flow around the town. (Image: Red Funnel)

A possible second vehicle exit, via the existing disembarking route on Dover Road, may be used in peak periods and for emergencies/abnormal loads.

The firm hopes doing so will improve traffic flow and take vehicles away from the town centre.

At Phoenix Yard, proposals include building an 80-bedroom hotel, with parking and two bus stops outside.

If given the go ahead, works would be carried out in three phases.

Plans for the terminal were first approved in 2017 and have been revised a number of times since.

Public consultations events were held at East Cowes Town Hall on July 15 and October 7, 2023.

To view the plans, visit the council's planning register and search 24/00807/OUT.

Comments can be made until July 26 and a decision is expected to be made by September 23.