TALENTED music students from Platform One College in Newport will appear at the Isle of Wight Festival this weekend.

Students from the music college will be opening on the Main Stage on Sunday (June 23).

David Pontin, education director at Platform One, said: “Our partnership with the Isle of Wight Festival is so significant.

"The Platform One Stage in the main arena hosts more than 45 acts, so to have our degree students performing on stage is just incredible.

(Image: Contributed) Ruby, above

"The Isle of Wight Festival is globally-renowned. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to showcase their skills to a potential audience of thousands this weekend.

"It’s particularly exciting for Marnie Marie, who won the 2024 Wight Noize competition and who will be opening on the Main Stage on Sunday.”

5 Degrees North 5 Degrees North (Image: 5 Degrees North)

Platform One music students competed in the 2024 Wight Noize music industry showcase, back in April, to win a place on stage at the Isle of Wight Festival.

The six finalists, who included Ruby, Georgia Nicole, Five Degrees North, Jaded, Chum? and Marnie Marie, all performed a 20-minute set of original material in front of industry experts.

All the finalists will perform on the Platform One Stage over the weekend.

Also, students from the Platform One sustainable fashion degree course, will be styling Marnie Marie's Main Stage look.

They are Iris Little, Amber Adkins-Hughes and Tia Masterton, who are taking inspiration from this year's funky festival theme, Summer Solstice.

Additionally, the fashion team will be backstage in the Platform One tent, adding their fashion touches to the bands before they head on stage.

Crowd spilling far out of the Platform One tent for IW band Arctic Junkies last year. This year they will play the bigger Electro Love tentCrowd spilling far out of the Platform One tent for IW band Arctic Junkies last year. This year they will play the bigger Electro Love tent (Image: IWCP.)

Dr Mark Mason, vice-chancellor at the University of Chichester, which accredits Platform One's degree courses, added: “The university is delighted our wonderful Platform One students will have an opportunity to play at the world-famous festival this year.

"We value highly our close and long-standing academic partnership with Platform One, which delivers a superb range of programmes and a high-quality experience for their students.

"We look forward to many future years of Platform One students performing at the festival.''