Two Isle of Wight schools will become academies as soon as next month, it has been confirmed, after a decision to 'dissolve' the federation behind them was brought forward.

The County Press revealed earlier this year that the Isle of Wight Education Federation (IWEF) would disband after 12 years.

At the time, a statement confirmed that Carisbrooke, Medina College and the Island VI Form would 'go their separate ways'.

Executive headteacher Matthew Parr-Burman told the County Press that the decision came about because the schools "have not improved enough" and GCSE results were "not where they should be".

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As part of the restructure, the CP exclusively revealed that four teachers working for the federation were being made redundant.

Mr Parr-Burman said the schools would continue to run as they are until new headteachers are in place from September 2025.

However, an email sent to parents today (Tuesday), states that the federation will disband with immediate effect on July 1.

The email reads: "This follows a period of consultation and subsequent restructure and reorganisation to ensure that each college has the necessary infrastructure in place to support sustainability and growth for the benefit of its children."

From that date, both Carisbrooke and Medina will become academies within the HISP Multi Academy Trust.

The email continues: "As previously proposed this will further support the schools' development and improvement and work is already underway to ensure a smooth transition."

Previously, Mr Parr-Burman said his role would cease to exist from September 2025 and he did not know whether he will be there in some capacity.

The County Press has contacted Mr Parr-Burman for comment.