Freshwater Parish Council has over the years donated more than £50,000 to Gift to Nature.

This year, it has granted the organisation a sizeable £8,000 to help in conserving vital local natural sites.

Gift to Nature, committed to maintaining and popularising the Isle of Wight's inherent charm, has gained recognition for preserving notable Freshwater sites such as Afton Marsh and Golden Hill.

Boasting rich biodiversity and historical significance respectively, these sites serve as idyllic escapes for wildlife enthusiasts, walkers, and history buffs.

Freshwater Parish Council's grants have bolstered these conservational efforts, safeguarding Afton Marsh and Golden Hill's beauty for future generations.

Isle of Wight High Sheriff Graham Biss, also managing director of Gift to Nature, said: "Freshwater Parish Council’s support for Afton Marsh and Golden Hill Country Park Gift to Nature sites is greatly appreciated and important to keep these wonderful sites open and free to use.

"Afton Marsh and Golden Hill are some of Gift to Nature’s most used and loved sites.

"They are two very different sites. Afton Marsh is one of the Island’s most significant SSSI marsh habitats and Golden Hill extends to 20 hectares, with fantastic views, a network of footpaths and bridleways and a rich heritage."