AN ISLE of Wight village will become a safer place for pedestrians and cyclists, with "safe and free movement of traffic", after the local authority rubber-stamped a plan to restrict parking in various streets.

A report on the feasibility of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) review for Carisbrooke, was voted for unanimously by the Isle of Wight Council's Cabinet at County Hall this evening (Thursday) — subject to an amendment.

Cllr Phil Jordan, the Isle of Wight Council's cabinet member for transport and infrastructure, highways PFI and transport strategy — the author of the report — proposed parking restrictions to Alvington Manor View, School Lane, High Street, Clatterford Road, Purdy Road and Gunville Road.

The only amendment to the detailed set of changes was to Alvington Manor View, not to implement double yellow lines from the junction of Gunville Road to a point adjacent to property No.9, on either side of the road.

The proposals followed consultation with members of Carisbrooke Community Council and ward councillors in June last year.

In his report, Cllr Jordan wrote: "A risk has been identified to pedestrians and cyclists, emergency access and for the safe and free movement of traffic.

"The TRO will ensure safety for all road users, whilst securing the movement of traffic, by increasing visibility at junctions and bends and, by removing parking that obstructs footways and limits access."

Carisbrooke forms one of six areas of the Island identified by the Isle of Wight Council, having adopted doing a two-year cycle of rolling reviews (TROs).

To implement all highway changes in Carisbrooke and making the TROs, it will cost rate payer £23,000 (plus VAT), which will come from the authority's highways capital budget for 2024-25.

Annual maintenance costs would be around £3,000 (plus VAT) annually, for the next 14 years, which will be included in the Island Roads maintenance contract's annual payment.

All works will be delivered by the end of this calendar year.