An Isle of Wight holidaymaker was caught drink driving not long after he came off the ferry when he drove well over the speed limit.

Matthew Smalley, of Robert De Mortain Place, Hastings, East Sussex, appeared before Isle of Wight magistrates on Tuesday, May 28.

The 52-year-old admitted drink driving in Wootton, on April 18.

Prosecutor, Liz Miller, said police followed a black Peugeot travelling from the ferry and heading into Wootton.

She said they were alerted because the vehicle, which was being driven by Smalley, was travelling at 40mph in a 20mph zone.

Ms Miller said police stopped the vehicle and Smalley was arrested.

He registered a breath-alcohol reading of 48 when the legal limit is 35.

Jason Halsey, defending, described it as a “textbook” drink driving case.

He said Smalley had been holidaying on the Isle of Wight, had one drink too many, and it was a foolish decision from a sensible man.

Mr Halsey said it was one decision that was never going to be repeated.

Smalley was fined £461 and disqualified from driving for 12 months.

He was ordered to pay costs of £85 and a £184 surcharge.