A local cafe owner is rejoicing at the opening of a popular Isle of Wight promenade after enduring a year-and-a-half of misery and the threat of having to close down her business.

See photos of the newly reopened Esplanade above

Between November 3, 2022, and last Friday (May 24), a total of 568 days, Ventnor’s Eastern Esplanade was deemed inaccessible after a 35m section of wall collapsed into the sea due to violent storms.

Read more: Reopening of popular Island promenade is “absolutely crucial” for business

Isle of Wight County Press: Eastern Esplanade collapse in November 2022Eastern Esplanade collapse in November 2022 (Image: IW Council)

With the promenade closed to the public immediately, snippets of work got underway, but the bulk of the repairs were delayed until the low spring tide.

As the delayed works finally started in May last year, the County Press spoke to Kerry O’Reilly, owner of The Seapot cafe in Wheelers Bay – cut off from Ventnor amid the seafront walkway’s closure.

Kerry explained that due to the closure, and compounded by a lack of diversion signs, her business saw a sharp downturn in footfall as prospective customers abandoned the route to the cafe – unaware it was accessible via the cliff path to Wheelers Bay.

Isle of Wight County Press: The Seapot in May 2023The Seapot in May 2023 (Image: IWCP)

A look into the archive: "We're still open!" Trade 75 per cent down amid seafront closure

In what was The Seapot's tenth season, having previously survived a burglary and the Covid-19 lockdowns, Kerry feared the worst after seeing a 75 per cent decline in trade following the promenade's closure.

Kerry was left with a difficult decision – close until the route reopens or plough on. She chose to keep her business open.

Last Friday, the safety barriers blocking access to the seafront were removed, restoring the coastal route and allowing Islanders to enjoy their first strolls along the Esplanade in the bank holiday sun.

Isle of Wight County Press: Eastern Esplanade reopened on Friday, May 24Eastern Esplanade reopened on Friday, May 24 (Image: IW Council)

At the weekend, we caught up with Kerry and The Seapot, which we are pleased to report is still going strong.

Kerry said: “It's been awful, but now it's starting to get busier. Several Ventnor roads being closed isn't helping, but hopefully, people will support us.

“We’re open from 11am to 3pm every day, except rainy days and Fridays.”

“Thanks to the locals for supporting us.”

The Seapot specialises in sandwiches, deli boards and ploughman’s lunches, serves hot and cold drinks, and is licensed to provide alcohol.

Contractors have a 'few small’ remaining tasks to complete on the Eastern Esplanade this week before beginning the five-day leaving process on Monday (June 3).